We hope that the following links may be useful.
British Lung Foundation; Home - The British Lung Foundation is a British charity that promotes lung health and supports those affected by lung disease.
British Lung Foundation; Oxygen Therapy -Oxygen Therapy information by the British Lung Foundation.
British Lung Foundation; Going on Holiday With A Lung Condition - Information for people going on holiday with a lung condition by the British Lung Foundation.
chILD (Children’s Interstitial Lung Disease) - Information about chILD (Childrens Interstitial Lund Disease).
British Thoracic Society - The British Thoracic Society (BTS) was formed in 1982 by the amalgamation of the British Thoracic Association and the Thoracic Society.
It is a registered charity, the Society’s main charitable objective is to improve the care of people with respiratory and associated disorders.
Cystic Fibrosis Trust - is a United Kingdom national charity dedicated to all aspects of cystic fibrosis (CF). It funds research to treat and cure CF and aims to ensure appropriate clinical care and support for people with cystic fibrosis.
Pulmonary Hypertension Association - The Pulmonary Hypertension Association (PHA UK) is the only charity in the UK dedicated to people with the rare disease, pulmonary hypertension (PH).
NHS: Home Oxygen Treatment - Information about home oxygen treatment by the NHS.
NHS; A Guide To COPD - A guide to COPD by the NHS.
OUCH - Organisation for the Understanding of Cluster Headache.
Downs Heart Group: Oxygen Therapy -Oxygen Therapy information from the Downs Heart Group.
Patient; A Guide to COPD - A guide to COPD by Patient.
HSE Oxygen Use in the Workplace -A guide to oxygen use in a workplace by HSE
MHRA Tips on Handling Oxygen Cylinders and Regulators -A guide by MHRA on handling oxygen cylinders and regulators.
European Lung Foundation Airline Oxygen Policies -European Lund Foundation Airline Oxygen Policies.
Lime Disease Action - Lyme Disease Action is a registered charity run entirely by volunteers.